Module: Data.Astro.Planet.PlanetMechanics
Description: Planet mechanics
Copyright: Alexander Ignatyev, 2016

Planet mechanics.

module Data.Astro.Planet.PlanetMechanics
  , planetTrueAnomaly1
  , planetTrueAnomaly2
  , planetHeliocentricRadiusVector
  , planetHeliocentricLongitude
  , planetHeliocentricLatitude
  , planetProjectedRadiusVector
  , planetProjectedLongitude
  , planetEclipticLongitude
  , planetEclipticLatitude
  , planetPosition
  , planetPosition1
  , planetDistance
  , planetDistance1
  , planetAngularDiameter
  , planetPhase1
  , planetPertubations
  , planetBrightLimbPositionAngle


import qualified Data.Astro.Utils as U
import Data.Astro.Types (DecimalDegrees(..), AstronomicalUnits(..), toRadians, fromRadians, fromDecimalHours)
import Data.Astro.Time.Epoch (j1900)
import Data.Astro.Time.JulianDate (JulianDate, numberOfDays, numberOfCenturies)
import Data.Astro.Coordinate (EquatorialCoordinates1(..), EclipticCoordinates(..), eclipticToEquatorial)
import Data.Astro.Planet.PlanetDetails (Planet(..), PlanetDetails(..), isInnerPlanet)
import Data.Astro.Sun.SunInternals (solveKeplerEquation)

1. Calculate the planet position on its own orbital plane
2. Convert the planet's position to planetHeliocentric coordinates.
3. Convert from planetHeliocentric coordinates to ecliptic coordinates.

-- | reduce DecimalDegrees to the range [0, 360)
reduceDegrees :: DecimalDegrees -> DecimalDegrees
reduceDegrees = U.reduceToZeroRange 360

-- | Calculate the planet mean anomaly.
planetMeanAnomaly pd jd =
  let d =  numberOfDays (pdEpoch pd) jd
      n = reduceDegrees $ DD $ (360/U.tropicalYearLen) * (d/(pdTp pd))
  in reduceDegrees $ n + (pdEpsilon pd) - (pdOmegaBar pd)

-- | Calculate the planet true anomaly using approximate method
planetTrueAnomaly1 pd jd =
  let meanAnomaly = toRadians $ planetMeanAnomaly pd jd
      e = pdE pd
  in reduceDegrees $ fromRadians $ meanAnomaly + 2*e*(sin meanAnomaly)

-- | Calculate the planet true anomaly using the second 'more accurate' method
planetTrueAnomaly2 pd jd =
  let meanAnomaly = toRadians $ planetMeanAnomaly pd jd
      e = pdE pd
      eccentricAnomaly = solveKeplerEquation e meanAnomaly 0.000000001
      trueAnomaly = 2 * atan (sqrt((1 + e) / (1 - e)) * tan (eccentricAnomaly / 2))
  in reduceDegrees $ fromRadians trueAnomaly

-- | Calculate Heliocentric Longitude.
-- It takes Planet Details and true anomaly.
planetHeliocentricLongitude :: PlanetDetails -> DecimalDegrees -> DecimalDegrees
planetHeliocentricLongitude pd trueAnomaly = reduceDegrees $ (pdOmegaBar pd) + trueAnomaly

-- | Calculate Heliocentric Latitude.
-- It takes Planet Details and heliocentric longitude.
planetHeliocentricLatitude :: PlanetDetails -> DecimalDegrees -> DecimalDegrees
planetHeliocentricLatitude pd hcl =
  let l' = toRadians hcl
      i' = toRadians $ pdI pd
      bigOmega' = toRadians $ pdBigOmega pd
  in fromRadians $ asin $ (sin $ l' - bigOmega')*(sin i')

-- | Calculate Heliocentric Radius Vector.
-- It takes Planet Details and true anomaly.
planetHeliocentricRadiusVector :: PlanetDetails -> DecimalDegrees -> AstronomicalUnits
planetHeliocentricRadiusVector pd trueAnomaly =
  let nu = toRadians trueAnomaly
      AU alpha = pdAlpha pd
      e = pdE pd
  in AU $ alpha*(1 - e*e)/(1+e*(cos nu))

-- | Calculate Heliocentric Longitude projected to the ecliptic.
-- It takes Planet Details and Heliocentric Longitude
planetProjectedLongitude :: PlanetDetails -> DecimalDegrees -> DecimalDegrees
planetProjectedLongitude pd hcl =
  let hcl' = toRadians hcl
      bigOmega = pdBigOmega pd
      bigOmega' = toRadians $ bigOmega
      i' = toRadians $ pdI pd
      y = (sin $ hcl'-bigOmega')*(cos i')
      x = (cos $ hcl'-bigOmega')
      n = fromRadians $ atan2 y x
  in n + bigOmega

-- | Calculate Heliocentric Radius Vector projected to the ecliptic.
-- It takes Planet Details, planetHeliocentric latitude and Radius Vector
planetProjectedRadiusVector :: PlanetDetails -> DecimalDegrees -> AstronomicalUnits -> AstronomicalUnits
planetProjectedRadiusVector pd psi (AU hcr) = AU $ hcr*cos(toRadians psi)

-- | Calculate ecliptic longitude for outer planets.
-- It takes planet projected longitude, planet projected radius vector
-- the Earth's longitude and radius vector.
outerPlanetEclipticLongitude :: DecimalDegrees -> AstronomicalUnits -> DecimalDegrees -> AstronomicalUnits -> DecimalDegrees
outerPlanetEclipticLongitude lp (AU rp) le (AU re) =
  let lp' = toRadians lp
      le' = toRadians le
      x = atan $ re * (sin $ lp'-le')/(rp - re*(cos $ lp'-le'))
  in reduceDegrees $ (fromRadians x) + lp

-- | Calculate ecliptic longitude for inner planets.
-- It takes planet projected longitude, planet projected radius vector
-- the Earth's longitude and radius vector.
innerPlanetEclipticLongitude :: DecimalDegrees -> AstronomicalUnits -> DecimalDegrees -> AstronomicalUnits -> DecimalDegrees
innerPlanetEclipticLongitude lp (AU rp) le (AU re) =
  let lp' = toRadians lp
      le' = toRadians le
      x = atan $ rp * (sin $ le'-lp')/(re - rp*(cos $ le'-lp'))
  in reduceDegrees $ (fromRadians x) + le + 180

-- | Calculate Ecliptic Longitude.
-- It takes planet projected longitude, planet projected radius vector
-- the Earth's longitude and radius vector.
planetEclipticLongitude :: PlanetDetails -> DecimalDegrees -> AstronomicalUnits -> DecimalDegrees -> AstronomicalUnits -> DecimalDegrees
planetEclipticLongitude pd
  | isInnerPlanet pd = innerPlanetEclipticLongitude
  | otherwise = outerPlanetEclipticLongitude

-- | Calculate ecliptic Latitude.
-- It takes the planet's: heliocentric latitude, projected heliocentric longutide,
-- projected heliocentric longitude;
-- the Earth's: heliocentric longitede and heliocentric radius vector.
-- Also it takes the planet's ecliptic longitude.
planetEclipticLatitude :: DecimalDegrees
                          -> DecimalDegrees
                          -> AstronomicalUnits
                          -> DecimalDegrees
                          -> AstronomicalUnits
                          -> DecimalDegrees
                          -> DecimalDegrees
planetEclipticLatitude psi lp (AU rp) le (AU re) lambda =
  let psi' = toRadians psi
      lp' = toRadians lp
      le' = toRadians le
      lambda' = toRadians lambda
      y = rp*(tan psi')*(sin $ lambda' - lp')
      x = re * (sin $ lp' -le')
  in fromRadians $ atan (y/x)

-- | Calculate the planet's postion at the given date.
-- It takes a function to calculate true anomaly,
-- planet details of the planet, planet details of the Earth
-- and JulianDate.
planetPosition :: (PlanetDetails -> JulianDate -> DecimalDegrees)
                  -> PlanetDetails -> PlanetDetails -> JulianDate
                  -> EquatorialCoordinates1
planetPosition trueAnomaly pd ed jd =
      -- planet
  let nup = trueAnomaly pd jd
      lp = planetHeliocentricLongitude pd nup
      rp = planetHeliocentricRadiusVector pd nup
      psi = planetHeliocentricLatitude pd lp
      lp' = planetProjectedLongitude pd lp
      rp' = planetProjectedRadiusVector pd psi rp
      -- earth
      nue = trueAnomaly ed jd
      le = planetHeliocentricLongitude ed nue
      re = planetHeliocentricRadiusVector ed nue
      -- position
      lambda = planetEclipticLongitude pd lp' rp' le re
      beta = planetEclipticLatitude psi lp' rp' le re lambda
      ec = eclipticToEquatorial (EcC beta lambda) jd
    in ec

-- | Calculates the distance betweeth the planet and the Earth at the given date.
-- It takes a function to calculate true anomaly,
-- planet details of the planet, planet details of the Earth
-- and JulianDate.
planetDistance :: (PlanetDetails -> JulianDate -> DecimalDegrees)
                  -> PlanetDetails -> PlanetDetails -> JulianDate
                  -> AstronomicalUnits
planetDistance trueAnomaly pd ed jd =
  let nup = trueAnomaly pd jd
      lp = planetHeliocentricLongitude pd nup
      AU rp = planetHeliocentricRadiusVector pd nup
      psi = planetHeliocentricLatitude pd lp
      -- earth
      nue = trueAnomaly ed jd
      le = planetHeliocentricLongitude ed nue
      AU re = planetHeliocentricRadiusVector ed nue
      -- distance
      ro = sqrt $ re*re + rp*rp - 2*re*rp*(cos . toRadians $ lp - le)*(cos $ toRadians psi)
    in AU ro

-- | Calculates the planet's angular diameter for the given distance.
planetAngularDiameter :: PlanetDetails -> AstronomicalUnits -> DecimalDegrees
planetAngularDiameter pd (AU ro) = (pdBigTheta pd)/(DD ro)

-- | Calculate the planet's phase at the given phase.
-- Phase is a fraction of the visible disc that is illuminated.
-- It takes the planet's details, the Earth's details and the julian date.
-- Returns fraction values from 0 to 1.
planetPhase1 :: PlanetDetails -> PlanetDetails -> JulianDate -> Double
planetPhase1 pd ed jd =
      -- planet
  let nup = planetTrueAnomaly1 pd jd
      lp = planetHeliocentricLongitude pd nup
      rp = planetHeliocentricRadiusVector pd nup
      psi = planetHeliocentricLatitude pd lp
      lp' = planetProjectedLongitude pd lp
      rp' = planetProjectedRadiusVector pd psi rp
      -- earth
      nue = planetTrueAnomaly1 ed jd
      le = planetHeliocentricLongitude ed nue
      re = planetHeliocentricRadiusVector ed nue

      lambda = planetEclipticLongitude pd lp' rp' le re
      d = toRadians $ lambda - lp
    in (1+ (cos d)) * 0.5

-- | Calculate the planet's postion at the given date using the approximate algoruthm.
-- It takes planet details of the planet, planet details of the Earth
-- and JulianDate.
planetPosition1 :: PlanetDetails -> PlanetDetails -> JulianDate
                  -> EquatorialCoordinates1
planetPosition1 = planetPosition planetTrueAnomaly1

-- | Calculates the distance betweeth the planet and the Earth at the given date
-- using the approximate algoruthm.
-- It takes planet details of the planet, planet details of the Earth
-- and JulianDate.
planetDistance1 :: PlanetDetails -> PlanetDetails -> JulianDate
                  -> AstronomicalUnits
planetDistance1 = planetDistance planetTrueAnomaly1

-- | Calculates pertubations for the planet at the given julian date.
-- Returns a value that should be added to the mean longitude (planet heliocentric longitude).
planetPertubations :: Planet -> JulianDate -> DecimalDegrees
planetPertubations Jupiter jd =
  let (a, _, v, _) = pertubationsQuantities jd
      v' = toRadians v
      dl = (0.3314-0.0103*a)*(sin v') - 0.0644*a*(cos v')
  in DD dl
planetPertubations Saturn jd =
  let (a, q, v, b) = pertubationsQuantities jd
      q' = toRadians q
      v' = toRadians v
      b' = toRadians b
      dl = (0.1609*a-0.0105)*(cos v') + (0.0182*a-0.8142)*(sin v') - 0.1488*(sin b')
        - 0.0408*(sin $ 2*b') + 0.0856*(sin b')*(cos q') + 0.0813*(cos b')*(sin q')
  in DD dl
planetPertubations _ _ = 0

-- pertrubationsQuantities :: JulianDate
pertubationsQuantities jd =
  let t = numberOfCenturies j1900 jd
      a = t*0.2 + 0.1
      p = DD $ 237.47555 + 3034.9061*t
      q = DD $ 265.91650 + 1222.1139*t
      v = 5*q - 2*p
      b = q - p
  in (a, q, v, b)

-- | Calculate the planet's position-angle of the bright limb.
-- It takes the planet's coordinates and the Sun's coordinates.
-- Position-angle is the angle of the midpoint of the illuminated limb
-- measured eastwards from the north point of the disk.
planetBrightLimbPositionAngle :: EquatorialCoordinates1 -> EquatorialCoordinates1 -> DecimalDegrees
planetBrightLimbPositionAngle (EC1 deltaP alphaP) (EC1 deltaS alphaS) =
  let dAlpha = toRadians $ fromDecimalHours $ alphaS - alphaP
      deltaP' = toRadians deltaP
      deltaS' = toRadians deltaS
      y = (cos deltaS')*(sin dAlpha)
      x = (cos deltaP')*(sin deltaS') - (sin deltaP')*(cos deltaS')*(cos dAlpha)
      chi = reduceDegrees $ fromRadians $ atan2 y x
  in chi